Saturday, February 18, 2012

Revitalized Tradition the Third Revelation

If we separate history into the “religious traditional,” from about 400 BC, to the nineteenth century “modern scientific,” we see how tradition has been fighting the modern, and the modern has been trying to bury tradition, with tradition losing much ground and nearly fading away.

But rather than struggling, pinch-faced and hopeless, to avoid and block the modern world, tradition needs to face and affirm the Third Revelation of the Theoevolutionary Church. 

When we look to the Great Books of Western Tradition we no longer need to close the door to the Enlightenment. Revitalized Tradition includes the Evolutionary Outward Path to Godhood, the Third Revelation, which includes and emerges from the first two Revelations of tradition.  

The First Revelation was the tribal interpretations of God. The Second Revelation was the universal interpretation of God of Jesus Christ. The Third Revelation includes both the tribal and universal God of the Inward Path, who is evolved to in the cosmos through the Outward Path. Religion meets science, the spiritual meets the supermaterial.

Again, if we are to survive, prosper and evolve to Godhood, we need to face and affirm the Third Revelation of the Twofold Path.

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