Thursday, February 23, 2012

The main problem with Ken Wilber's integral religio-philosophy

Both the involution to the Soul and the evolution to Godhood can be applied in the Twofold Path of the Theoevolutionary Church, but they need to understood in the following way.

Religions have had problems in justifying material life, since their religious goals are virtually all non- material. This is where rationalizations such as as Ken Wilber's “Pre and Post rationality” come from, along with the mixing up of evolution with involution.

Wilber becomes especially defensive in writing about what he calls the “Pre-rational and Post-rational Fallacy” because these can look much the same in their non-rationality. Wilber contrasts and defines the “trans-rational” or post-rational, as the spiritual side of experiencing God or nirvana, with the inferior state of pre-rational primitive matter (although Wilber doesn't use the politically incorrect term “inferior”).

But non-rational is non-rational. The real difference is that the spiritual “trans-rational” stage is reached by blocking the material and rational state, and the pre-rational “primitive” state is supposedly unaware of rationality without consciously blocking it.

Wilber's terminology needs to be changed, which is not unlike the terminology of the mystical religions. It is the Soul which is the involutionary---not evolutionary--- goal of Wilber's integral system, and the goal of the mystical traditions. It is the Soul-state at the zenith of the mind that is the blissful, material-free, goal desired and reached (by few) through the blocking of all the material desires, including blocking rationality.

The Soul-state is indeed not a rational state but it also is not Godhood, it is a mirror or reflection helping us to understand something of what Real Godhood will feel like, and this state can also be defined as pre-rational and not as trans-rational. The term trans-rational only dresses up a primitive although blissful, non-rational experience in mystical religious veils.

I would reserve the term “trans-rational” for the truly trans-rational Spirit-Will To Godhood, which activates life from within to evolve to Godhood in material-supermaterial evolution---not involution--- and then life is shaped from outside by natural selection and evolution. The Spirit-Will is trans-rational because it is a combination of supermaterial intuitive-instinct, intellectual intuition, and superationality.

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