Thursday, February 16, 2012

It remains for the individual states and regions to be seen as saviors from the bureaucratic lies

Was the false idea of the limitless assimilation of distinctly different people into one, peaceful, nation and culture, a big lie, or was it an example of the human tendency to always be overly optimistic rather than real? Both are possible explanations.

It has proved not possible to create one, big, bureaucratic state of distinctly different people living in harmony.  So why try? Here is where the lies, or the over-optimism comes into practice. Clever and lying people can gain advantage as middlemen in these schemes. Or people can dream of emotionally satisfying but unreal utopias. Even the use of force does not cause the assimilation of distinctly different groups in the long term, big imperialistic states always break back down into small states or ethnostates.

During the so-called process of assimilation, distinctly different groups do not fight merely for their “rights,” they fight for the dominance of their own people, their own culture. This is simply true and obvious.

When the old classic list of the five original living races of man is considered, the Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Australoid, Capoid, and Congoid (not necessarily in that order), and when it is seen that these differences evolved separately, in very different places, and at different rates (and it seems possible that these differences existed even before the Homo-sapien stage was reached by each race), then one can see how deep these ancient divisions can be. Now we have the cousin-races of these divisions with almost the same unassimilable differences.

Why is this so hard to affirm? And why is it so wrong to have these differences? Again, it seems to be the result of the lies or the over-optimism of man. This is not "racism," this is realism.

Lucky for us living in the United States, our Constitution affirms the demarcation of many different states and regions, each being as different as they choose to be--short of becoming monarchies--protected by a light federalism. No revolution, no secession, is necessary to legally bring people in harmony with true human nature. It remains for the individual states and regions to be widely seen or interpreted as saviors from these bureaucratic lies, and saviors from the many problems caused by the over-optimistic dream of limitless assimilation.

What do all people, all races, hold in common? We are all activated by the Spirit-Will To Godhood, which works with evolution in its diverse ways, on the sacred path of evolution to Godhood. The Theoevolutionary Church is committed to helping all people on their varied paths to Godhood.

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