Thursday, February 02, 2012

On the new altruism

Looking at human competition and modern warfare, the new Darwinism of sociobiology has helped us to see that “survival of the fittest” does not mean the survival of only one fit group. Nationalists, racialists, supremacists, hegemonists (including global corporations), religionists, and various chosenhoods, need to fully understand that the world gangs up on hegemony and supremacy, and given modern weapons, all groups can end up greatly damaged, or destroyed.

This means we have to develop a more intelligent altruism, beyond affirming ones own group against all others. But this does not mean moving to the extreme altruism of demanding (sometimes at the point of a gun) love of the world more than love of ones own people (which can also be a disguised attempt for dominance). Understanding the biological origin of altruism, as a means to successful within-group cooperation and advancement, needs to expand to cooperative competition between different groups, rather than supremacy.

The universe can seem cold or cruel in its natural selection and evolution, but when we see that the Spirit-Will To Godhood activates all life, all groups, then we can better understand the practicality of cooperative competition. Human beings are not designed to love the whole world but they are designed to understand that in order for their own people to survive and evolve they need to allow others to survive and evolve. Unplanned benevolence, such as feeding people rather than helping them develop agriculture, has almost always done more harm than good.

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