Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Humans can prevent miserable biological and social collapse

(The shame of the taboos against evolutionary sociology and genetic engineering)

Evolutionary sociology and genetic engineering can be benevolent and altruistic in preventing the miserable suffering and collapse of individuals and societies. As Raymond Cattell said, there is a difference between emotional compassion and “planful altruism.”

By studying the genetic as well as the cultural causes of the fall of people and groups, these cruel things can be prevented, so that we all can get on with the sacred business of evolving to Godhood, which is also prevented by the taboo against evolutionary religion.

In the future these taboos will be seen as irrational and even dangerous biases. It is ironic that those who propagate these biases usually do so to try to advance themselves or their group, consciously or unconsciously.

Of course there are dangers to human administration in any field, but fear of the truth must not block new truths.  For example, people can simply be sociobiologically maladjusted to the cultures they live within, and it takes more than education in job skills, important as education is, to change things for future generations. There must at least be voluntary ways to restrict the birth rates or genetically improve the maladjusted, rather than to try to cover it all over with blind charity, which does not change the problem in the long run and can often make things worse.

The universe is not cold and indifferent, since I believe that all life is activated to evolve to Godhood, and therefore humans should not be cold and indifferent. We cannot really block sex and aggression but we can control them, especially when evolving to Godhood is the purpose of it all. In any case, the natural justice of natural selection will take place, and groups that do not or cannot choose wisely will collapse.

We can prevent these miserable collapses with real altruism and compassion by way of the sociobiological sciences, and with evolutionary religious values.

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