Thursday, June 16, 2011

What kind of populism will rise?

The wealth divide keeps growing. Populism will rise. But what kind of populism?

Has global big business damaged the free enterprise philosophy beyond repair?

The big private sector companies, in league with big government, have created most of our present economic problems, leading to 24% youth unemployment, and half of all American's not able to come up with $2000 in 30 days without selling their possessions.

American companies have plenty of money but they have put their profits into factories and development centers in Brazil, China, India, etc, while creating virtually no jobs in America since the 1980's.

The “Tea Party” seems to be against big government, and they appeal to populist sentiment with that, but they are usually also open border libertarians supported by multinationals, who seem to be playing them for fools.

The free enterprise system needs to be rescued from the globalists who have no real allegiance to any country or any people. Economic nationalism, with fair trade, not free trade, was the golden mean which was so successful in the rise of America, it protected American companies and American jobs on American soil.

How ugly could it get? The multinational firms control government and the media. Will totalitarian dictators rise in violent frustration on the left or the right? It has happened before.

We need to choose the ordered evolution of revitalized conservatism and economic nationalism. Economic nationalism is the natural remedy standing between total isolationism and the rapacious open border globalists.

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