Monday, June 06, 2011

Transvaluing Morality

Nietzsche developed the idea of transvalued morality. I believe his has happened in religious tradition regarding God. The Real Godhood of material and supermaterial evolution was displaced by the “God-Within,” or the Father. The Real Godhood of the Outward Path of evolution was completely denied.

According to Bill Charlton, fundamental “evil” can be defined as wishing to usurp God and set oneself up to be worshiped instead of God. Traditional Religion has in just this way usurped the real Godhood which is only reached through the evolution of the material to the supermaterial. The Inward God, the Father, has been defined as the supreme object of worship, blocking out in a Great Spiritual Blockade the Real Godhood reached through kosmic evolution.

What could be more evil than essentially hating evolving material life when material life is the vehicle required to evolve to Godhood? One cannot reach the God-Within, or the Soul-State, without ridding the body of all material desire.  It has taken immense power to shape the world of religion exclusively to the non-material Inward Path. 

Who than is heretical? Who is usurping Godhood? A long and terrible transvaluation has taken place, mainly through ignorance, which needs to be understood. Black-robed priests indeed can seem evil in turning the world away from life and the evolution to Godhood.

But rather than casting the Inward Path into heresy and hell, both the Inward and Outward Paths can be affirmed. The Traditional Inward Father reached through the denial of the flesh and denial of material life, gives us a hint of the bliss of True Godhood reached through the affirmation and fulfillment of material and supermaterial evolution. Only when the Inward Path does not allow the Outward Path can the Inward Path be defined as evil.

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