Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Demographics without demagoguery

Although it has not been spoken of much, or it is demogogued mostly by Democratic politicians, demographics will be a powerful long-term force in American politics.

In 1980 white voters cast 88% of the total vote, by 2008 this percentage was down to 55%, and the proportion will decline more in 2012.

Latinos are growing rapidly and the Democrats are spending millions to try to capture the Latino vote, offering big government programs which many of them know we can't afford.

The best the Republicans can do is suggest that they shed their “nativism,” which is like throwing grandma under the bus because she has problems with the new in-laws.

It is far better to acknowledge human nature. Whites and Latino and Blacks should be allowed to embrace their ethnicity, and this can best be done when we affirm the Tenth Amendment and give power back to the individual states and regions, where variety and differences can be applauded, not suppressed.

We were designed by the Founders to be a nation of regions and states protected by a light federalism. This political structure is our great advantage.  If we let our variety of states flourish with their own unique ethnic character and tone, we need not have a revolution of warring ethnic groups. This is a cause both parties can affirm.

Demographics has the power to make us or destroy us. It is futile to try to go against the pull of human nature, people will always feel more comfortable with their own people. Even the term “ethnic states” within our great union should not be thought of as evil but as realistic. Revitalization, not revolution is necessary.

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