Friday, June 17, 2011

The great confounding and the radical reorientation

“Hail the much needed earth.” (Poetic Edda)

Religious Tradition has the Soul as the psyche and the Spirit as Christ, and we are supposed to leave the Soul behind to follow the Spirit.

I can agree with leaving the Soul to follow the Spirit, but it is the Soul that is Christ, the Atman, not the Spirit. The Spirit-Will is the activator of material/supermaterial evolution to Godhood.

The Soul exists at the Zenith of the Mind (psyche) but the Spirit exists at the Zenith of the Soul, although this should be seen as analogous designation more than physical location. The Spirit-Will could be defined as the combined instincts of life in the body.

This is a radical reorientation, called “metanoia” in Greek. This opens up the Great Spiritual Blockade against material life, but most importantly, it opens up the blockade against evolving to Godhood. This is liberating news for the suppressed world.

It is not the end of the journey to reach Christ in the Soul, it is the end of the journey when Godhood is attained by way of the activating Spirit-Will, and life shaped by outside evolution.

The way of the Soul is the Involutionary Inward Path to Christ (also Buddha and the Hindu Atman) and the way of the Spirit is the Evolutionary Outward Path to Godhood. Both paths are affirmed in the Twofold Path of Evolutionary Christianity.

Looking within can give you Christ, but looking without can give you Godhood. Ordered Evolution and Revitalized Conservatism synthesize the new into the old.

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