Thursday, June 02, 2011

Objects and Language

The only "accurate" word for Godhood would be the word uttered by Godhood in Godhood's own language, which could be called Absolute Language. But even then, Absolute Language is not Godhood, Godhood is a Supreme Object and not merely a name, even if uttered by Godhood.

The place of language all through evolution is as a tool of expression, language is not the creator of real beings or real Being. It it true that language can express objects that do not exist but this does not mean that all objects are only language, some objects are real.

Science, at least in the past, spent time looking for real material objects and not only their names (or their mathematics). Theologies spent less time looking for the real objects. Meister Eckhart prayed to God to rid him of the “idea” of God, but did Eckhart see God as the Supreme Object Godhood? Perhaps not.

Godhood is not merely in the mind, although one can have the idea of future existing Godhood only in the mind, which should lead to ideological or theological materialism for humans, who all still need to evolve to Godhood.

There need be no warfare between conventional truth and spiritual truth when both are seen as the same substance on a continuum of evolution from the material to the supermaterial. To attain the Supreme Object Godhood we have to actually tread the path of evolution and not merely find a set of ideas, feelings or names for Godhood.

Never-the less, the Inward Path of Evolutionary Christianity allows the desire-free bliss of the Soul-State as a virtual hint of desire-fulfilled Godhood of the Outward Path. But it must be understood that the price of the Inward Path to the Soul-State is to block the activating Spirit-Will of the Outward Path that leads evolution to the Real Supreme Object Godhood.

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