Saturday, December 11, 2010

Reason, instinct and intuition

As Bergson more or less said, all is instinct. When we think we have multiple choice we think we have freedom, and when we have only one choice we think we are not free. But neither one is complete freedom. Bergson also brilliantly described instinct as intuition.

Can reason discover instinct-intuition? I describe the Spirit-Will as at the base of instinct, which is may also be the highest human reason, so in this sense there is no duality between reason, instinct and intuition.

Intellectual intuition exists at the highest level of the brain-mind, or the Will-Spirit, that is, the  Will-Spirit is at the zenith of the brain and cerebral process, where intellectual intuition dwells.The "Soul" is the seeing or experiencing of what is seen inwardly.

But if we take intellectual intuition deeper than the Soul, at the Zenith of the Soul is the Will-Spirit, or the Will To Godhood.

It is the Spirit or Will to Godhood which activates us to evolve toward the complete freedom and highest consciousness of Godhood.

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