Monday, December 27, 2010

Balancing Intellect-Soul With Instinct-Spirit

Religious formation seems to be the work of intuition, which essentially is instinct, and intuition-instinct seems often to be working against the intellect. Myth and religion are the Spirit-Will (instinct-intuition) calling out to or influencing the Soul (mind), which can be unbalanced or lost to the Spirit-Will instinct. The Soul is the Zenith of the Mind and the Spirit is the Zenith of the Soul.     

A Total Religion is the religion which has balanced intellect and instinct. Religions have moved away from the dynamic, causal, “animistic” instincts and toward the more static intellect, and even beyond the intellect, or so they hope, which has unbalanced religion. The idea is not to return to instincts alone but to put the instincts and intellect in balance.    

The Evolutionary Christian Church (ECC) has defined the Inward Path as the way of the Mind-Soul, and the Outward Path as the way of the Instinct-Spirit, or the Will to Godhood in evolution. Evolution has helped bring religion back to its sources.  The mission of the ECC is to civilize and evolve the beast, not to suppress the beast, the ECC seeks to break the Great Spiritual Blockade which tries to prevent the material world from evolving to the supermaterial world, and Godhood.     

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