Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Grand Synthesis

"The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead." - Romans, 1: 20

Our brain-mind structure originated in survival and reproductive drives, and when man creates or intuits religion and philosophy which become abstract beyond this survival origin it can be unhealthy and unbalanced.

But beneath the brain-mind at the Zenith of the brain-mind is the Soul, and deeper still at the Zenith of the Soul is the Spirit, and this Spirit or Will is the deepest essence or beginning of the origin of our survival and reproductive drives, which activates life to evolve to Godhood.

Evolutionary Christianity (EC) is the only religious and philosophical way I know of combing the survival and reproductive drives defined by science and evolution, with the traditional, religious Soul and Spirit defined as activating life to evolve to Godhood. This answers the separation of mind from body, and the separation of biology from the Spirit.

Some may think that Evolutionary Christianity is an illusory perception, or myth-making to coax the wayward intellect back to natural instincts, and that is okay with me as far as it goes, but EC believes we can evolve to Godhood and are in fact designed to do so.

Unlike Bergson's “elan vital” which does not see the future as predetermined, the Spirit or Will to Godhood does have a determined goal, which is Godhood, although the path of evolution has unforeseeable variety and undetermined paths.

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