Saturday, December 18, 2010

The False Despair Of Postmodernism

The main reason why Postmodernism finds only despair and irony in the world, after having rejected all the religious and philosophical “narratives” that people live by, is because they could not, or would not, face the real narrative of human biological evolution.

It is understandable that the tyranny and great suffering of the Second World War would scare people away from the subject of human sociobiology. The racial nationalism of that era was an imperialistic and supremacist misreading of how to live with the biological drives of all people, all races, all states. Sociobiology instead points toward thousands of small, evolving states protected by a light federalism, with no single noble or chosen race, as the best way to survive in the crowded world of competition.

Postmodernism, and science, have not looked deep enough into biology to see the Spirit or Will To Godhood activating biology from within, and evolution shaping biology from without. Evolutionary Christianity taps into the real world of evolution and finds sacred meaning for all people in evolution toward the Godhood first seen in Traditional religion.

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