Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The impassable problem with those who affirm the term “Evolutionary Enlightenment”

The central problem, the impassable problem, with those who affirm and fit the term Evolutionary Enlightenment ( eg. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Sri Aurobindo, Henri Bergson, Alfred North Whitehead, the German Idealist philosophers, and more recently Andrew Cohen, and Ken Wilber) is that they more or less carefully sidestep politically incorrect, material, human evolution to center on only the evolution of consciousness or spirituality. They believe man has been developing a divine consciousness and that “we must continue this process of development so that we can reach our greatest potential as human beings...” (Savitri Era Learning Forum) It is very nearly ludicrous to think that human beings can attain Godhood; only evolution to superhumans and much later Gods can approach Godhood, Who must be evolved to in the Kosmos.

This represents what we call the The Great Spiritual Blockade against material evolution, and it is very serious mistake indeed since the only way we can reach the Godhood that these people have at least seen inwardly, and defined as nonmaterial, is through material evolution. Godhood may consist of a substance we cannot classify, thus God is wrongly defined as beyond all substance, and 'spiritual," but it is a substance reached or attained through material evolution to the Zenith of Evolution.

The Evolutionary Outward Path of the Theoevolutionary Church seeks to balance this great and ancient imbalance by including the Involutionary Inward Path of Traditional religion in the Outward Path of evolution to Godhood.

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