Monday, August 24, 2009

Cultural And Genetic Conservatism—Toward Revitalized Conservatism

Conservatives worry about how the culture so painfully cultivated over centuries is neglected or treated with contempt. But what of our genetic heritage which was also even more painfully acquired over many more centuries? This, too, is neglected, or only referred to indirectly by conservatives.

In the Revitalized-Conservatism of the Evolutionary Christian Church (ECC) the Evolutionary Outward Path and the Involutionary Inward Path pay attention to both the cultural and genetic heritage, and not for one people but for all people, all races, cultures, and religions. Imperialism in any of these categories damages the very cultural and genetic heritage and variety we wish to conserve.

Since we evolve materially and spiritually to Godhood, it is not enough to preserve the cultural heritage, it is necessary to preserve the genetic heritage. The Inward Path preserves the cultural and religious heritage, the Outward Path preserves the genetic heritage, although these Two Paths overlap and interrelate in ECC.

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