Monday, August 03, 2009

Harmonizing Evolutionary Humanitarianism and Traditional Conservatism

Russell Kirk said humanitarianism is the ideology which denies the divine and declares the omnicompetence of human planners. (Redeeming The Time)

TheTheoevolutionary Church (TC) does not deny the divine, yet has great faith in human planners. We harmonize Traditional Conservatism with an evolutionary humanitarianism.

Our Mission

Imperialistic people, religions and states wish to destroy everything other than their own imperialism, in trying to establish themselves they destroy the order of the whole world, but then, as Kirk points out, they forget to ask what happens afterward.

We must move forward in evolution while conserving Perennial Traditions. This means we are against imperialism but for evolutionary progress. This is the Revitalized Conservatism we affirm.

Our mission is to reconcile conservative order with progressive evolution (Ordered Evolution) as we evolve to Godhood.

We speak of peace in the world by encouraging evolutionary variety, independent states, localism, with a very light federalism, we do not speak of peace through imperialism, not by creating a wilderness and calling it peace, as Tacitus said of the Romans. This is our model of justice in the world.

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