Saturday, August 01, 2009

How God Relates To Evolution And The Search For Scientific Truth

Biased Use of Science?

Ideally science is not biased. It is supposed to be an unbiased tool that can be used in any research. But culture, the political environment, can bias the direction of the use of the tool of science. Political bias can be affirmed by an unbalanced amount of scientific research done on one side while neglecting the other side. Political correctness and political incorrectness can thus effect the direction of science.

Proof of God in the Search for Scientific Truth?

It seems that we can't find the Absolute Truth with our human minds, since our minds were evolved, not really to find the truth, but to help us survive and reproduce successfully (see John Haught's “Deeper Than Darwin”)

Many times in our history we have found truths, objective scientific truths, but Darwinism seems to say that we found such truths principally to allow ourselves to survive and reproduce successfully, and not principally for truth's sake. Yet science claims objective truth which seems to counter the mind's purpose for seeking truth.

We keep searching for the “truth” because, scientifically speaking, truth helps us survive and reproduce successfully. Absolute Truth, then, under this definition, would seems to help us survive absolutely, even infinitely, so we therefore ceaselessly seek Absolute Truth.

It would seem that the more intelligent we are, or the higher consciousness we have, the more “truths” of the Kosmos we can find, even though our motive for finding truths might not change, that is, the motive of survival and reproductive success.

If we evolve higher intelligence and higher consciousness these things will supposedly lead to higher truths and better survival ( at least this applied until recent negative technological advances.) We can therefore not only predict more truths discovered, but better survival secured with higher intelligence and higher consciousness.

If we carry this “logic” far enough, the way to assure ourselves endless survival and Absolute Truth is to evolve to a condition which has, or contains, endless survival and Absolute Truth: this defines God. This is the way the Theoevolutionary Church (TC) sees the pattern of evolution.

This suggests that our yearning for Absolute Truth is a yearning for absolute survival and this, in effect, means a yearning for God who is the logical end to the search for truth and survival.

When materialism claims there is no god in the Kosmos, it is denying, it seems to me, the very origin or motivation for its own search for Absolute Truth.

God is seen in this scientific search for truth and this is the God that the Theoevolutionary Church describes.

How Human Evolution Works and Why

We take the still controversial position that human evolution is driven by selection among groups (recently reaffirmed by E. O. Wilson), and groups are based upon genetic and cultural selection among individuals. Natural selection of individuals is directed toward forming a successful group. Ethical and cultural conditions are then developed for successful adaptation and advancement in survival and reproduction.

We add to this the very controversial religious position that along with outward evolution, we are inwardly activated by the Spirit, which seeks to evolve to Godhood, and the Spirit works with natural evolution to attain this supreme goal. Religion can make contact with the Spirit Within, which is both transcendent and immanent in the Involutionary Inward Path.

Group/Individual Values

One of the central advantages of Catholicism is that it values the community, the group, at least as much as the individual and perhaps more, whereas the Protestants have tended toward a more individualistic ethos, which can sometimes negate the group. This makes Catholicism naturally conservative.

As it turns out, religion is the best social bond for selection among groups and individuals in any case. Evolution is thus served by religion and religion is served by evolution.

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