Sunday, August 02, 2009

The Hijacking of Evolutionary Spirituality

We have noticed the rise of many groups in the field of evolutionary spirituality (“post-traditionalism”) but like past Traditional religions they carefully sidestep politically incorrect material human evolution to center on the evolution of consciousness or spirituality. Ken Wilber wrote “if evolution occurs, how can enlightenment have any meaning? … if everything is evolving, and I get enlightened today, then won’t my enlightenment be partial with the sun’s dawn?” Wilber suggests redefining an evolutionary enlightenment to mean “the realization of oneness with all states and all stages that have evolved so far and that are in existence at any given time.” (Wikipedia)

Money, too, is increasingly being made in these enterprises. This seems to be an unfortunate hijacking of the popular social trend toward affirming evolution in religion. This also relates to the hijacking of human evolution for those who seek “Singularity,” where machines evolve instead of humans.

Alas, this trend continues and prolongs the Great Spiritual Blockade against material evolution which blocks our true evolution to Godhood. These trends tend to clash with Fundamentalism which again sets up religious battle lines, the new against the old, Tradition against post tradition. The irony is that both groups pursue interior evolution, the inner dimension, while blocking out the outer dimension of evolution. The tragedy is that these interior-only movements usually lead to seeing all life as emptiness where both life and death become meaningless. It seems that Teilhard de Chardin's work in the evolution of consciousness-only through convergence, not divergence, is coming home to roost.

The ecumenism of the Theoevolutionary Church affirms both the Inward and Outward Paths to Godhood and not merely the Inward Path of raising consciousness.

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