Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Right Definition of Tradition

Brief Excerpt: New Culture, New Right

"New Right identitarians believe a people is a living organism. As such, it can die. To guard against this a people needs a common heritage to define itself and maintain its will to live together. In this sense, tradition serves as the scaffolding around which a people constitutes itself. If there is no heritage – no transmission (traditio) from one generation to another – a people has nothing to live for and no reason to remain together. It is, then, as the horizon against which a people's existence is worked out that tradition imparts purpose to its common endeavors. As [Arnold] Gehlen writes, 'without it one can keep restlessly active...and yet lack any inner sense that all this busyness carries any moral significance.' This is why identitarians believe Europe's pagan, mythic traditions are key to its renaissance..."

Excerpt continues here..