Modern culture has been such a formidable challenge that it has in fact distorted and nearly destroyed Western civilization, and particularly the Anglo-American culture. The Christian West has not been able to mount a vigorous enough and deep enough response the the great challenge. Conservatism was missing the power of science, and particularly the knowledge of sociobiology that could have a direct biological, demographic, response to the declining West, which is virtually missing in Modern Conservatism.
The Theoevolutionary Church (TC) with its Revitalized Conservatism (RC) has the great potential to be the vigorous response to the challenge of modernism and postmodernism because science and sociobiology are synthesized into traditional religion and conservatism with the Evolutionary Outward Path. The question is, will TC and RC be applied in time, or will it be the foundation and revival of our culture and our people, along with all cultures and all people, after the fall?