Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kin, Cult and Conservatism

The missing element

Russell Kirk, and a few others, (Dawson, Voegelin, Toynbee) pulled a bit of a fast one when they proposed that once a people join a cult for worship (religion), then, out of this the human community grows. Biology, genetics, kin and race are the first element out of which the cult and community grow. Perhaps this fast one was understandable, given the bias against discussing the genetic origin of social behavior following World War II. Much courage would have been necessary. Even Edward Wilson, the brilliant father of Sociobiology from Harvard University, who is not a racist, was dosed with water for suggesting such a thing.

Yes, culture arises from religious ties, but before that culture arises from kin- bonding. The reality is that dwelling together in relative peace usually relates to genetic similarities. The biological origin of much of social behavior should not be ignored. The achievements of our civilization stem from this as well as from religion.

Could this “fast one,” placed at the base of modern conservatism, explain why conservatism and the culture are not reviving? With Revitalized Conservatism this missing, vital, biological aspect of human nature is finally addressed through the Evolutionary Outward Path, synthesizing it with the Traditional Involutionary Inward Path of Religion.

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