Thursday, May 14, 2009

Instinct and Culture

Defining ordered evolution

It is overdo time to synthesize instinct and culture, which to this day Conservatism says is the distinction between man and animals. The Ideal of the Instincts, driven by the Will to Godhood, or the Spirit, leads to Godhood, for man or animals.

Culture changes as natural selection moves forward, but instinct requires ordered evolution to maintain positive changes. Ordered evolution affirms Conservatism.

Revitalized Conservatism defines ordered evolution in the following virtues and ethics of the Evolutionary Christian Church:
The Involutionary Inward Path, virtues: (Traditional Christianity) Prudence, justice, courage, temperance (Greek), faith, hope and charity (Christian).
The Evolutionary Outward Path, ethics ( Beyondism): Development, group solidarity, diversity, individualism, plus, intelligence, truth and beauty.

The goal of the Involutionary Virtues is to understand and see the Soul-Within, the goal of the Evolutionary Ethics is to evolve to God, activated by the Spirit.

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