Thursday, May 28, 2009

Function and appearance in art and religion

There is a strong tendency toward dualism between function and appearance in Traditionalism making appearance far less important. In art this means the creation of icons and archetypes representing the function rather than the appearance.

However, when God is seen as a Supreme Object then the dualism between function and appearance does not apply. God is not merely an idea. More than the intellectual virtues must survive death, these need to be carried forward by the successful survival and reproduction of our genes and our body.

Let the Body be unblocked from the Great Spiritual Blockade in art and religion. We can have an archetypal art with heroes and myths representing universal functions, but appearance deserves equal treatment, the Body and Spirit both evolve to Godhood.

We need to avoid the extremes of modernism that seems to care only for appearance, and Tradition which cares only for function. Contrary to many mystics, we need not use the lowest symbols to represent a God who is only an idea, there is nothing nobler, at least on earth, than the highest evolved human body, representing the Beautiful, the Good and the True.