Sunday, February 02, 2020

Reality is politically incorrect, so what is our best chance of finding real long-term harmony and peace?

I don't know if it should be called a tragedy, a great belief destined to experience downfall, or ignorance, a lack of knowledge or information, it's probably some of both, but the ancient and modern dream of both religion and politics of having complete harmony and peace between distinctly different ethnic groups or races existing together in peace in the same living space is contrary to real human nature.  

This does not mean harmony and peace are not possible. When real human nature is understood as derived from the biological origin of our social behavior, when biology is understood as the hardware and culture as the software, when it is understood that the related genes in ethnic groups offer many reasons for cooperating more successfully and harmoniously than with other ethnic groups, when it is understood that our social behavior is largely determined by the deepest need to be successful in the survival and reproduction of our genes and culture, then we will have a chance of finding real long term harmony and peace.  

Edward O. Wilson said: "The genes hold culture on a leash. The leash is very long, but inevitably values will be constrained in accordance with their effects on the human gene pool. The brain is a product of evolution. Human behavior. . .is the circuitous technique by which human genetic material has been and will be kept intact. Morality has no other demonstrable ultimate function." 

Human nature is ethnocentric and has been since humans became humans. Group-selection was the only way for individuals to successfully survive, so altruism, or being for others, was naturally limited mainly to kin and ethnic group because they shared the same genes which strive for survival. Trying to rid human nature and culture of the deep-seated preference for kin and ethnic group, which is attempted by many ideologies and religions, is like trying to rid human beings of being human. That is inhumane and cruel.

With this in mind we can see why the left-liberalism and cultural Marxism taught in our schools and blared from the media, and even the religious dream of the lion laying down the lamb, have not brought peace and harmony.  

 As I wrote here a few days ago secession is not my first preference, it seems too radical to me. I prefer to conservatively and legally apply or adapt the U. S. constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and money grubbers, by a light federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions defines deep-conservatism, or evolutionary conservatism. That will be the best chance all of us have of finding real long-term harmony and peace.

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