Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Evolutionary conservatism says we require a proper balance between order and evolution

The nature of man is flawed say Christian conservatives. Liberal's say that man and the world are improvable. Conservative's say human nature aspires to dominance and power and can only be countered by countervailing balance of power. Liberal's believe we can all march toward equality in all things. Conservative's see various hierarchies as natural. Conservative's believe it is dangerous to disturb old traditions and that we can only “prune and patch” what we have.

Evolutionary conservatism says we require a proper balance between order and evolution. If we are closed to evolution we can become stagnant, if we are closed to order we can become chaotic.  Steady change, not revolution, is typical in biological evolution and is the conservative way to evolve and change; we evolved three brains, one evolved upon the other---the reptilian and the mammalian brains were retained, not thrown away, even as we evolved the higher neocortex.

We cannot legitimately be morally relative as long as we are alive. We are alive with a human nature that affirms natural law derived from our bio-social human nature, and from nature itself. In politics trying to rid real human nature and culture of the deep-seated preference for kin and ethnic group is attempted by many ideologies, but the biological origin of social behavior and real human nature lead naturally to regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be conservatively established, legally, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers by a defensive federalism.

Natural rights suggest that all men are born with the desire to survive and reproduce successfully but natural rights do not guarantee results, since evolution cannot always guarantee results. The need for order is based most deeply on the needs of evolution, since we have a very long way to materially evolve to ascending levels of Godhood. We are “in-between” the beast and Godhood so we cannot yet claim to be divine.

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