Monday, July 08, 2019

What keeps the paleoconservatives from seeing the importance of the biological and genetic origin of our social behavior?

In his usual sarcastic strait-between-the-eyes style Taki Theodoracopulos (Chronicles, March 2019) lists those on the left who hate everything, they are: “women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, blacks, Hispanics, Amercan Indians, college students, college professors, Hollywood stars, Democratic politicians,” and the whole American Psychological Association (117,500 strong) which Taki calls the greatest con job ever invented. All these people now hate white men, want us to become effeminate, and hate President Trump.

When it comes to saying what to do about it Taki, like his friend Pat Buchanan, is a paleoconservative, which is about the best kind of conservative we have today. They seek restrictions on immigration and multiculturalism, decentralization, better controls on free trade, economic nationalism, and an end to our global military marauding. Taki and Buchanan even have the balls to take on the very powerful Israeli and Saudi lobbies.

But something keeps them from seeing the deep importance of the biological and genetic origin of our social behavior, and from seeing that group or ethnic selection is genetically primary in human nature and has been the most successful in survival and reproduction since humans became human.

Their spiritual Christian view of human nature may be the main cause of this blockade, their acceptance of a fallen human nature, along with the inherent universalism of a non-material view of God and life.

Alas, they do not affirm adapting the Constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which given kin and ethnic centered real human nature is the best way to clean up the mess that the experiment of multiculturalism has made of America and the West.

The best solution to multiculturalism is the call for decentralization, ethnostates, ethnopluralism, variety, federalism, and legally adapting the Constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

Eventually I believe we will also need an end to The Great Spiritual Blockade against seeing and accepting the material evolution of life to supermaterial Godhood. The old internal experience of God can be retained but transformed and seen as the Godhood externally reached in material evolution.

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