Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Conservative social values can harmonize with ordered evolution, tradition can work along with evolutionary progress

The dynamic between permanence/conservatism and progression/liberalism should be thought of as more a balancing act than a battle, and the closer we can come to balancing these the better. But what we seem to have historically is a wide swing back and forth between the two.

Human nature and the species are wiser than the individual, assuming we define real human nature, which is now and has been at least since hunter/gatherer times: kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.

So permanence/conservatism and progression/liberalism need to take real human nature into account when they define themselves, but they often don't, although permanence/conservatism comes the closest to defining real human nature. The question is asked by both liberals and skeptical conservatives: who defines the beautiful, the true and the good as we evolve toward higher versions of these things?

Conservative social values can harmonize with ordered evolution, tradition can work along with evolutionary progress. Real conservatism affirms change by keeping the best of the past while steadily harmonizing the new with the old. But when it comes to the science of improving human hereditary qualities through breeding, or selective eugenics, conservatives too often follow the modern liberal line of thinking of progress as destroying the old order with the new. But healthy eugenics, like natural evolution in general, is conservative, keeping the best of the past while synthesizing the new.

Eugenics is already shaping the next generation, parents are using testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering, and we can move on from there, as the deceitful paralyzing of evolutionary eugenics begins to wind down. Qualities such as intelligence, emotional stability, conscience (altruism), good health, good sensory organs, longevity, these are some of the aims of eugenics, and these things reach their highest quality, or their zenith, as material evolution moves toward supermaterial Godhood, the deepest goal of life.

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