Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Religion and evolutionary conservatism

Most philosophers if affirming theological materialism would probably reject the old Inward Path to the symbolic or spiritual God or Father-Within as an inaccurate and unrealistic block on the material evolution to real supermaterial Godhood in the evolutionary Outward Path. Indeed, to attain the peak experience of the God Within, which is a blissful experience, ascetics turn their backs on material life entirely and specifically block reproduction with celibacy, which blocks the natural method of evolutionary reproduction toward Godhood.

My respect for the conservative and traditionalist philosophy is indicated by the Twofold Path retaining the old Inward Path to the symbolic God or Father-Within even though it is transformed in the Evolutionary Outward Path of material evolution to supermaterial Godhood. The Twofold Path synthesizes traditional religious philosophy with the great Darwinian book of nature and evolution.

We need to conserve the best that evolves even as we continue to evolve toward ascending levels of Godhood and toward supreme intelligence, beauty, and goodness. Change using steady pressure and not revolution is the conservative way to evolve, in same way we evolved three brains, one evolved upon the other---the reptilian and the mammalian brains were retained even as we evolved the higher neocortex. That describes evolutionary conservatism in religion.

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