Sunday, July 14, 2019

The fatal flaw of conservatism (and of course modern liberalism)

Conservative's will rightly talk and write about how Europe and America have enjoyed a common religion, common law and politics, and a common body of literature (see Russell Kirk), and how this is what holds our civilization together, and how when these common bonds fall the civilization falls. But in this litany of the bonds of civilization modern conservatives leave out ethnic and racial bonds which are the deepest foundation and bonding element of civilizations and cultures. This fatal flaw of conservatism (and of course modern liberalism) and the rise of multiculturalism has led to civil and racial disruptions and virtual civil war. Human nature is genetically and culturally kin-centered and ethnic-centered, which has always been the most successful behavior in survival and reproduction and in the building of cultures. 

Why did this happen? World War Two and Hitler's racial supremacism happened, which since the end of war has increasingly led to the burying of all political talk of the biological origin of social behavior even to the point of making the subject of a positive view of ethnic bonding illegal in some countries. The Big Media and our schools have been mainly responsible for this blockade, tearing apart the reputation and livelihood of anyone who spoke or wrote about the biological origin of social behavior or the ethnic and racial bonds needed to hold our civilizations and cultures together.

The only thing to do is to revive the subject of the biological origin of social behavior along with the positive view of ethnic and racial bonding. Our schools and our Big Media will need to lose their ruinous influence. For example, real human nature suggests that ethnostates and ethnopluralism of ethnostates is the most equitable political configuration for humans beings and human groups to live within. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected by federalism. That is what we need to work toward, legally and within the traditional system. It's a noble venture.

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