Sunday, March 31, 2019

Demographics activate American politics, with the help of fools like "Beto" O Rourke

Demographics activate American politics, it is the main driving force beneath the push of reverse racism, speech codes, the criminalization of "hate speech," political correctness (cultural Marxism), big government, open immigration, and the predatory version of capitalism. The electoral power of whites is fading in America while the population of other ethnic groups has sharply risen and will soon overtake white America.

Helping along this demographic change in American politics are dipsticks like "Beto" O Rourke (Beto is, of course, a Spanish nickname for Robert) who has the habit of being wrong loudly and often. He is that breed of modern white who satiate themselves in exaggerated altruism for ethnic groups other than their own. He waves his arms around when he speaks perhaps hoping it will beholden him to rap singers who do the same thing but who nevertheless only think of him as a useful fool. The Kennedys and Bill Clinton applied the same exaggerated altruism for ethnic groups other than their own, but beneath their ethnic demagoguery they had the morals of street whores, which I suppose is to be expected from people who turn their backs on their own ethnic group and culture.

Whites are good at the hypertrophied altruism that is activating the demographic changes in American politics, they do it better than any other race because altruism was more necessary to survival in the north and it was genetically programmed into whites---in contrast we can see the unabashed ethnocentrism of nonwhites in America, which is actually healthier than dipstick white altruism and cuckoldry.

Since the the demographic changes in America look inevitable, especially with the help of fools like Beto O Rourke, eventually the only realistic way to save white America---and save American culture, because different ethnic groups create different cultures---will be to harken back to the natural separation of regions and states enshrined in the Constitution, which can be home to a variety of ethnic groups in ethnostates.

Friday, March 29, 2019

The name of this blog, "Civilizing the Beast," does not refer to civilizing "Satan"

To those it concerns: the name of this blog, "Civilizing the Beast," does not refer to civilizing "Satan." I am not a Satanist. The name refers to the civilizing process of materially evolving from the frogs to the Gods. But this does concede that the material world is not evil since we evolve to real Godhood by way of material evolution with all the woes and joys of life that flesh is heir to. If anything it was evil of ascetics to blockade this sacred evolutionary process.

That said, with the Twofold Path we can have both the Inward Path to the symbolic God within, the path of the ascetics, as the preliminary path to the Outward Path of material evolution to ascending levels of real Godhood, the path of the non-ascetics who developed evolutionary science. So if we can accept change within tradition conservatives can rest easier.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

On the origin of a separation between religion and politics

If you think about human behavior from the perspective of the biological origin of social behavior the hallowed separation between religion and politics doesn't look so hallowed. The separation seems to have developed mainly in Judaic-Christian societies as the result of trying to accommodate multicultural and multiracial societies.

The Hebrew tribes were continually dominated by the Persians, the Greeks, the Syrians and Egypt, and the Romans, and they survived by having a separation between religion and politics in multicultural and multiracial societies. This conception fed into Christianity and the founding of America.

That separation between religion and politics continued to be necessary to Jewish survival right up to the twentieth century founding of Israel---and it is still important for Jews living in multicultural and multiracial societies like America and Europe.

It seems common sense that moral and political bonds are stronger in homogeneous societies with less survival need for a separation between religion and politics, perhaps like present day Israel, which has moved ever closer to having no separation between religion and politics---now that they have their own land the presence of Palestinians in their midst seems to have led them not to a multicultural society but to an even more nationalistic Israel.

It should be obvious that multicultural and multiracial societies breed resentment in the population. Nietzsche hypertrophied "resentment" as at the origin of the development of Judaic-Christian societies, he therefore rejected religion preferring the winning Greeks and Romans to the Jews and Christians who they enslaved---underplaying the vital bonding qualities of religion.

In any case, this is one more reason why I think ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates are desirable, they have less of the squabbling and competition of multicultural and multiracial societies which ends up weakening and even destroying them. It also explains why it is difficult to develop ethnostates in Judaic-Christian societies founded on the separation between religion and politics.

If Israel---now having less survival need for a separation between religion and politics---can move toward a more homogeneous ethnostate, why can't the U. S. develop ethnostates where the moral and political bonds can be stronger in homogeneous societies which have less survival need for a separation between religion and politics? In the U. S. an ethnopluralism of ethnostates could legally work in harmony with federalism and the Constitutional separation of powers and states.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The list ringing the death knell of America supported by both political parties

Both political parties more or less support reverse racism, speech codes, the criminalization of "hate speech," political correctness (cultural Marxism), feminism, sexuality as "fluid," gay marriage, transgenderism, abortion on demand, big government, and a predatory version of capitalism. Both political parties are against homophobia, ageism, ableism, and xenophobia. Both political parties support universalism, globalism, unselective immigration, cosmopolitanism, and multiculturalism. Both political parties allow our schools to be what amounts to Marxist education centers. And both political parties allow the Big Media to be centers for gross disinformation. (The list was cataloged at various times in the conservative journal "Chronicles.")

What can actually counter this list? I think the default social force is the return to real human nature which can rise again and project real human traits on our social behavior and cultures. We can counter the death knell by first admitting that human nature is and always has been genetically kin and ethnic centered, that is, racist and ethnocentric. Ironically those who are most against racism and ethnocentrism are usually doing so for ethnocentric reasons; they use the charge of racism to block other groups and to advance their own group, consciously or unconsciously. So the ethnocentrism and racism of human nature prevails in any case.

A wise man said, "that which has been tearing us apart could put us back together again." Rather than fighting ethnocentrism we can affirm and develop ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups. It took the whole history of humanity to discover the counter-intuitive idea that we could stop polio, measles, etc, by infecting people with a strain of the virus that taught the immune system how to deal with the disease.  In the U. S. ethnostates and an ethnopluralism could work in harmony with federalism and the Constitutional separation of powers and states. But the return to ethnostates would best be done legally, constitutional, not by radical or revolutionary means which almost never work and cause great biological and cultural disruptions and convulsions.

Will we do it? I think human nature will do it, one way or another.

Monday, March 25, 2019

It is overdo time to stop the blockade of correctly defining patriots and nations

How long must it be before we can speak again of patriots and nations as races and ethnic groups? By any realistic and unpolitical definition "nations" are made of distinct races and ethnic groups of common descent usually occupying a definite territory. Even the conservatives are browbeat and intimidated against defining nations that way.

Any realistic and unpolitical definition of human nature sees human nature as kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, territorial, and even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. This is why humans create nations made of distinct races and ethnic groups of common descent, this is why ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates naturally form.

Why do nations defined as races and ethnic groups continue to be compared to Hitler or National Socialism and presented that way to people who defeated him? Who benefits? Not real patriots and nationalists. It is overdo time to stop the blockade of correctly defining patriots and nations.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Ethnostates as the default social force in world history

In his excellent journal "Chronicles" (Feb 2019) Chilton Williamson suggests that populism is more or less the default social force in world history, from the right or the left, which rises against dominant classes that have taken over and who disfavor the normal natural behavior of the classes below them. I think of the default social force as the return of real human nature rising again and projecting its traits on our social behavior and cultures.

What are the traits of human nature which always rise and influence the shape of our cultures? You hear it here often, human nature is basically kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, territorial, and even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. Cultures can operate for a time with behavior that goes against this human nature, with such experiments as Marxism, but cultures are eventually pulled back by the biological and genetic leash of real human nature to cultures that better reflect real human nature, and humans then work within and adapt to the environments they find themselves living in.

We could think of human nature as the structure upon which cultures, governments, etc. rise as a superstructure. The superstructure then becomes so gross and oversized (think empires) that it falls apart. But the foundation structure grounded in real human nature remains intact because even the smallest change in human nature and our DNA structure, for example, in our immune system, takes hundreds of thousands of years to change (although now we have genetic engineering which may be more rapid),

I think a clear-eyed and courageous view of human nature and the biological origin of our social behavior suggests that the default social force, driven by real human nature, is a return to ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. In the U. S. that could work in sync with federalism and the Constitutional separation of powers and states. This return to ethnostates would best be done legally, constitutional, and not by radical or revolutionary means which almost never work and cause great biological and cultural disruptions and convulsions.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Intellectual intuition

Traditional religions and philosophies like to say that ants and bees cooperate by instinct but people must have revelation and reason. When people talk about instincts they are really talking about determined genes and the biological origin of our social behavior, which includes revelation and reason.

Anthropocentrism regards the world in terms of human values and experiences and usually considers instincts as mainly for inferior animals and far below revelation and reason.

Moving beyond using only the dialectical circuitous routes of many philosophies, "intellectual intuition" can bring us to the core of knowledge. The words and ideas of modern philosophers are like a game for indoor nerds.

We have ignored the deepest activation of material life where the instinctive sacredness exists, we have preferred words and ideas unconnected to the real material world. We have only circled around the path to where real Godhood is seen as the material evolution of life to ascending levels of supermaterial Godhood, which works along with and adapts to outside natural evolution. Now with the science of genetic selection, equitably guided, we can aid in the sacred path to Godhood---religion and science can end their prolonged feud.

Why not use all routes, revelation, reason, science, instinct, art, in seeking the truth? Specializing has left a lot to be desired.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

The film "The Favourite" disses its betters

I'm more of a regionalist than a royalist, and if Western civilization wasn't falling apart there might be time for this excellent but obscene comedic attack against 18th-century English royalty and aristocracy, but Western civilization is falling apart.

The artists in the film "The Favourite" have that odd modern talent of creating excellent acting and directing even though the themes and philosophy of their movies are degenerate, decadent, immoral and destructive. Colman deserved her Academy Award. 
I suppose this comes from being brainwashed in culturally Marxist schools, private and public, along with the malevolent culturally Marxist Media, all of whom hate old white history, all royalty, all aristocracy, all Northern Europeans, and all real Western excellence.

Joe Alwyn, who played Baron Masham in the film, said that there was little concern for historical research of characters' backgrounds: "I think people turned up to the rehearsal period thinking maybe they should've read their history books and thought about their characters and their intentions and all of that stuff that you normally think about, but Yorgos made it quite clear early on that there wasn't going to be much consideration for historical accuracy to a degree. He wasn't too caught up with or concerned about that. He just wanted us to have fun as people and as a cast and to explore the relationships between us, which is what we did."

Nothing else needs to said about this film, which disses its betters.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

We can face the truth about our stupid and suicidal immigration and asylum laws, can't we?!

Does it really still have to be said that people are not the same, different ethnic groups create different cultures due to different genes and different environments? The decadent West can't even admit this!

Liberal decadence has all but destroyed Western civilization mainly as the result of stupid and suicidal immigration and asylum laws. But it is a more deliberate wreckage on the part of some businessmen who seek cheap labor at any cost (this would include the slave owners in the old South), or non-Northern European ethnic groups who gain power by deliberately weakening the Northern Europeans who founded America and the West.

History has shown us that distinctly different ethnic groups don't melt they compete, so we are in for tough times in the West. Is it too late to radically and immediately revise the immigration and asylum laws in America and the West? The demographics, the specific segment of a population having shared characteristics, is probably too mixed now to to recover.

My position is that we need a conservative, legal, and nonviolent return to ethnostates, which could apply or adapt the U.S. Constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of regions and states. I believe real recovery will come when we all return to ethnostates, which can be protected by federalism. But who knows if this will prevail over illegal and violent methods.

Tough words and tough predictions, I know, but we can face the truth about our stupid and suicidal immigration and asylum laws, can't we?!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Regarding Senator Elizabeth Warren: ignorance of human nature and realism is no excuse for destroying the United States

Goofy Harvard intellectual Senator Elizabeth Warren and the loopy left are now pushing and end to the Electoral College, in addition to pushing other idiotic things like raising taxes and destroying incentives for the most successful and creative Americans. The Electoral College makes candidates pay attention to all the states and reinforces the role of the state in federalism by giving power to electors in each state for the purpose of electing the president and vice president of the United States.

We should be going in the opposite direction from ending the Electoral College and give more power to the states, even to the extent of becoming ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates so that we are more in harmony with real kin-centered and ethnic-centered human nature. Without these amendments the U.S. will continue its slide toward more social disruptions and ethnic civil war.

Ignorance of human nature and realism in no excuse for destroying the United States.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Why conservative things will return, one way or another

In arguing against all the things that are tearing America and the West apart, conservative's rarely mention the deep biological origin of our social behavior, perhaps because they think it intrudes on the works of God as the maker of all things. And liberal's blindly consider such a statement evil and racist. But the biological origin of our social behavior is nevertheless true, even if it is virtually banned in some countries to say so.

When traditional conservative's argue against such things as the excessive love of money, fame, pleasure, the acceptance of homosexuality, abortion, one night stands, and the general party-on hedonism, they overlook the best sociobiological argument against these things: human nature is biologically kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, territorial, and even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. Conservatism affirms most of these things, and modern liberalism does not.

People and cultures can operate for a time with behavior that goes against biological human nature with such experiments as the excessive love of money, fame, pleasure, the acceptance of homosexuality, abortion, one night stands, a general party-on hedonism, cultural Marxism, etc. etc., but our social behavior and our cultures are eventually pulled back by the biological and genetic leash of real human nature to cultures that better reflect real human nature, and humans then work within and adapt to the environments they find themselves living in.

So such conservative things as being gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, territorial, and even xenophobic, and religious-making, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection will return.  We can help them along or hinder them, but these things will return, one way or another, and by any rational or instinctive measurement that is good for life and its continuance.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

If you go by the numbers, Affirmative Action programs have hurt far more worthy students than the rich cheaters

What's more unfair, wealthy parents paying and cheating to get their children into good colleges, or tax-payers and wealthy donors paying for Affirmative Action programs that place minority ethnic groups with lower SAT scores in good colleges?

Today Fox News (more neoconservative than conservative) brought on a black youth from a poor family who tried hard and has been accepted in good schools as a contrast to the rich cheaters. Good for him, but I'll bet he had help from Affirmative Action programs that choose by quotas rather than merit or SAT scores, which has hurt far more worthy students than the rich cheaters.

The same sort of unfairness takes place in putting far more money into programs for slow learners than in programs for gifted students. It is the gifted who have the best chance of improving the world, as well as improving the lives of minorities. 

Is there some sort of epidemic of masochism or cuckoldry taking place in the West? Or is it more likely the will to power of people who gain power by destroying the merit system in the West?

Friday, March 15, 2019

Regarding the New Zealand mosque mass shootings yesterday: why does history repeat itself?

Several thinkers have said that history repeats itself, although always with variations. Why?

While we certainly condemn the violence of the New Zealand mosque mass shootings yesterday, we should also place the blame for such violence on the heads of the liberals and neoconservatives who have not only promoted and encouraged multicultural/multi-ethnic societies but slandered anyone who predicated these terrible outcomes for multicultural multi-ethnic societies.

History repeats itself because human nature and the natural world have remained essentially the same since humans became humans, although with variations. Human's adapted to different environments by evolving distinctly different ethnic groups and races but human nature remained basically the same for all, that is kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, territorial, and even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

Cultures can operate for a time with behavior that goes against real human nature with such experiments as globalist Marxism, but cultures are eventually pulled back by the biological and genetic leash of real human nature to cultures that better reflect real human nature, and humans then work within and adapt to the natural environments they find themselves living in.

That is why history repeats itself, and that is also why the reality of human nature and of past history point toward the political/cultural solution of ethnostates, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups. Ethnopluralism is a conservative transformation---not revolution--which is the sociopolitical or political/cultural structure most in harmony with real human nature and the natural world.

It has been mostly ignorance that has kept us from seeing why history repeats itself, not Satan. Is ignorance an excuse? The legal principle ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat, "ignorance of the law excuses not" and "ignorance of law excuses no one." But it has been human nature itself with its genetic tendency toward being ethnocentric, territorial, and xenophobic that has kept us from seeing that the best long term political/cultural solution for all is to allow the formation of ethnostates, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Will globalist neocons, neoliberals, and their lobbies, continue to decide our politics?

Globalism has been deciding politics for some time now, the "global supply chain" is protected at all costs. That is unhinged hypertrophied capitalism, but it doesn't mean socialism is the alternative, economic nationalism is the alternative, one that nevertheless trades with the world.

That was President Trump's tone or emphasis which appealed to the Trump supporters who elected him. Will he hold to it? Even if he is ultimately out to make more money for Trump Incorporated, if the money comes from economic nationalism I think that would be OK with his followers---although it is better to have politician's not ruled by money or special interest groups, odd as that sounds in today's world.

Will Trump be defeated by the globalist neocons and neoliberals who are totally backed by (or own) the Big Media, Hollywood, and the big academic faculties? Many globalist's care only about money and are politically libertarian individualists, but some globalist's are politically group-oriented and support ethnocentric causes. Will they continue to define and decide politics?

Populist nationalism and economic nationalism are rising all over the world and the globalist's are having problems containing it. Globalism does seem to be heading for a high and tight hair cut. Will they turn to fascism on the left or the right to contain it? That wouldn't surprise us.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The TV stars and coaches charged in college bribery scheme must not have realized that the political correctness of cultural Marxism has already trashed our colleges

That trashing of our colleges by cultural Marxists has been especially true of the Ivy League schools, so getting into these trashed schools has little or nothing to do with becoming educated.

The classic position on education was to make minds and character first and then careers could follow. That has been anarchically thrown out the school windows, now we educate for "career readiness."

I suppose graduating from an Ivy League school still impresses some employers, or excites people who care only about the illusion of status. And science departments seem less brainwashed by political correctness than the totally trashed humanities.

"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold" wrote Yeats way back in 1919, and that describes our educational system. Who or what trashed our schools? Mainly it was trashing the merit system. Our educational policies are now shaped by choosing people not based on their merits but rather by their race, or their political views, or connections to the colleges.

The Lefties established the abomination of affirmative action in college admissions and in job applications which created reverse discrimination against white males and Asians. As Richard Sanders has said, artificially elevating minority students into schools or jobs they otherwise would not be merited for, discourages them and tends to engender failure and high dropout rates for these students. Making up for past real discrimination isn't done with more discrimination, resentment, and revenge.

It might be good if the whole educational system was trashed along with fools and liars who administrate it. Then we could return to schools based on real merit...Maybe that will happen later when we separate into more equitable ethnostates.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What isn't said is that the truths, the character, tone and guiding beliefs, the ethos of the revealed religions, have their source in asceticism

When we hear that all lies have their source in Satan, the father of lies, and all truth is Christian truth, we need to understand that we are seeing the world from the point of view of ascetics. What isn't said is that the truths, the character, tone and guiding beliefs, the ethos of the revealed religions have their source in asceticism. That is, in a lifestyle of abstinence from sensual pleasures, including celibacy, while pursuing spiritual goals, withdrawing from the world, and general renunciation. Christ lived that way, so did Buddha, and thousands of ascetics before them, which is where the values and morals they preached came from. 
That was not a practical source of values and morals for the much larger population of non-ascetics, so in the West at least ascetic values were reinterpreted for the people, and the central ascetic goals of the religion were toned down, or not featured. 
The Hindus, perhaps the oldest religion on earth derived from the Vedas, found a wise way to handle this dilemma by saying that man has to go through four stages of life. The first, as described by Vandana Singhal, is the "Brahmachari (or a bachelor or you can say a student life). The second is Grihasta meaning a householder. The third is the Vanaprasta or the one who dwells in the forest in a semi-retired state. The fourth is the Sannyasi known as the renounced or a person who has left the material world...The four stages of life represent training, creation, service and retirement...These four stages of life known as Ashramas, gain your fulfillment."

Yet how much clearer are the truths of theological materialism, which is more or less placed in the worldview of “philosophical naturalism, with the difference being that philosophical naturalism is generally irreligious, and theological materialism is religious in seeing Godhood as the goal of material evolution, first mirrored in the Father-Within of the ascetic traditional religions, now transformed but not rejected by new truths from science and philosophy, and not lies coming from Satan who was just a symbol to aid ascetics.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Burke and Kirk didn't emphasize enough the political significance of kin and ethnic group

Businessmen aren't constructed to be statesman, his/her interest is in making money, they don't spend much time with philosophy or learning statecraft. The reason we have a businessman as President now is because we have had such lousy politicians.

For example, both liberals and conservative's agree that having multicultural multi-ethnic societies is a good thing and both shout racism and bigotry if you disagree with them or point out that human nature has been affirmed throughout human history to this day as being mainly kin-centered and ethnocentric, as well as being gender defined, heterosexual, territorial, and even xenophobic, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

Are our politicians stupid, cowardly, or both? Or are they just venal, on the take, and amoral? Some of each I would say, with very few exceptions; the courageous politicians have been labeled racist, bigoted, etc, and destroyed by venal politicians, the amoral Big Media, Hollywood, and our academic faculties.

So what can we do about it? We can become the little platoons that Burke talked about, proceeding towards a love of our country, but more directly toward a love of kin and ethnic group. Burke and Kirk didn't emphasize enough the political significance of kin and ethnic group. The affirmation of real human nature instinctively and reasonable leads not to multicultural multi-ethnic societies but toward ethnostates, and ideally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. That is what defines or should define the values of real liberalism, real conservatism, and real politicians.

Saturday, March 09, 2019

Can we save ourselves from the destructive fate that the Big Media, Hollywood, the big academic faculties, and the effete, gender-less, lefty vegetarians have in store for us?

The typical trendy list contains racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, trans- and homophobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, xenophobia, etc---but who then remains? A tribe of effete, genderless, lefty vegetarians? Ah but they were strongly supported by the Big Media, Hollywood, and the big academic faculties which had enough power to virtually destroy Western culture and Western people.

So is it over for Western people, did the Big Media, Hollywood, the big academic faculties, and the tribe of effete, genderless, lefty vegetarians win? It looks that way. But these people also totally support minority groups who will at least advance. We could try to build our own conservative version of the Big Media, Hollywood, and academic faculties alongside their Church of Cultural Marxism with a conservative counterrevolution, but the foundation we build upon may need more than that.

I believe the Big Media, Hollywood, the big academic faculties, and globalist elites have all but destroyed the chance of such a recovery because they have created multicultural multi-ethnic cities and states that will not bond together, they are too dissimilar to bond together, as human nature has always prescribed.

We may be able to retain the U. S. Constitutional separation of powers and states if we gradually and legally, not radically, transform the powers, regions, and states into an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected by federalism. Given human nature things could go that way anyway, and not peacefully. We might this way retain what is best of the past and save Western culture and Western people from the destructive fate that the Big Media, Hollywood, the big academic faculties, and the effete, genderless, lefty vegetarians have in store for us. And it has the big virtue of also saving non-western people and cultures who could at last live in their own ethnostates and make of them what they will.

Friday, March 08, 2019

If we split the difference between nature and nurture we could come up with a reasonable political philosophy

Although there is a gene-culture co-evolution or "dual inheritance" that takes place between nature and nurture, if we split the difference between nature and nurture, which some think is 70% nature and 30% nurture, we could come up with a reasonable political philosophy.

Modern liberalism is about 100 percent on the 30% side of nurture and conservatives are on are that 70% nature side, although both sides approve of individualism. Liberalism wants the government to insure a collective individual freedom, which tends to move toward socialism/communism and ends up taking away individual freedom, while conservatism want unchecked individual freedom, especially for capitalism (libertarianism), which tends to create societies ruled or controlled by people of great wealth or income that end up taking away individual freedom.

If we look a little deeper at what that 70% nature side is telling us about human nature, the science of sociobiology and common sense show us that human nature has been affirmed throughout human history to this day as being basically kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, territorial, and even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

Sociobiologist E.O. Wilson has found that in successful survival and reproduction, "within groups, selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals." And “hereditary altruists form groups so cooperative and well-organized as to out-compete non-altruists groups.” (“The Social Conquest of the Earth.”)  Wilson doesn't emphasize enough that altruism was developed to enhance the survival success of kin and ethnic group, but being-for-others almost disappears beyond the related genetic pool.

Cultures can operate for a time with behavior that goes against this basic human nature, with such experiments as Marxism, but cultures are eventually pulled back by the biological and genetic leash of real human nature to cultures that better reflect real human nature, and humans then work within and adapt to the environments they find themselves living in.

This suggests to reason and instinct that ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates are the best political configuration for humans beings to live within. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could even be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected by federalism. It may require a few constitutional amendments to give more power to the states to move toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, but that is far preferable to radical and marauding Marxism or Fascism, or the political dissimulations of today based on flawed definitions of human nature that have brought us radically destructive civil disruptions, or even civil war, and which are now increasing across the world within unworkable multicultural multi-ethnic societies.

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

When there is no love, compulsion is employed

As Russell Kirk said, when there is no love, compulsion is employed. Taking that further to the social experiments of multiculturalism and multi-ethnic states, we see that they do not harmonize with kin and ethnic-centered human nature---the true origin of altruism---and so compulsion is needed. But even compulsion doesn't make them work, as we now see in America and across the world.

Why is this so hard for even conservatives to accept? It's the brainwashing and propaganda from the Big Media and the academic world, and also, alas, from the universalism of even religion telling us that we are all the same. And of course political correctness punishes us acutely for disagreeing with their lies. 

But ironically, or diabolically, this myth of telling us that we are all the same, all equal, and that we must therefore live in the same multicultural and multi-ethnic space, is often promoted by individuals and ethnic groups who selfishly benefit and advance from promoting those lies in the Media they control.

So for now our little media must battle the Big Media. Truth usually prevails, but not always swiftly, and heroes and martyrs are usually needed.

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

I wonder if we will ever have the leisure, the money, and the time to breed and develop better quality fashions, homes, luxurious lifestyle, and leadership than the English aristocrats

I obviously believe in change in the evolutionary philosophy of theological materialism, but I don't think changes should be made unless the change is actually better than the past.   
I think the Anglophile's are basically right in revering the age of aristocracy in England regarding clothing, fashions, homes, luxurious lifestyle, and leadership in general; it was one of the greatest aristocracies in history, even if it was eventually prone to etiolation and effeteness.   
In my view, changes in fashions, homes, luxurious lifestyle, etc. would only be improvements around the edges of the age of aristocracy in England. The English aristocrats had the leisure, the money, and the time (1688-1830) to develop the very best quality in fashion, homes, and luxurious lifestyle. The fashions and homes of today are greatly inferior to the age of aristocracy in England by any sane assessment, give or take a few damp manor houses, stiff collars, and bustles. 
Breeding between aristocrats of the British Empire was present for a long time not only relating to homes, fashions, etc, but in the greatly successful leadership of the state, armed forces, government, clergy, the big landowners, etc. Even so, in the long run I believe more in the separation of powers and states as seen in the original U. S. Constitution, even to the extent of developing ethnostates for distinctively different ethnic groups. I also believe in meritocracies which prevent the etiolation and effeteness that aristocracies are prone to. And I believe in the constant genetic improvement of human beings all the way to Godhood.

Sunday, March 03, 2019

Evolution and conservatism

Continuing evolution takes place best in conservative environments where the best of the past can be retained even as we continue evolving higher talent and beauty; those who shout radical revolution, or worse, whenever human evolution is spoken of are wrong. Genetic engineering will speed up the process of human evolution but conserving the best of the past will remain a principle part of our evolution.

Altruism or being for others was evolved from races competing with outside groups, which required altruism within groups to be successful against other groups who may have been less altruistic within their group. So altruistic genes survived, and group selection remains today the central unit of selection, as E.O.Wilson has recently affirmed.

In a better world attuned to real human nature, which remains kin and ethnic centered, ethnic groups will have their own ethnostates, and that would define deep conservatism. As the scientist Raymond Cattell suggested, ethnic groups should be allowed their own evolutionary development, permitting scientific conclusions regarding traits favoring group survival and evolution.

Fox TV conservative's proclaim a conservatism of ideas not race and excoriate modern liberals for featuring race and gender, but Fox conservative's fail to understand that the problem is that liberals proclaim and champion only minority races and make whites the enemy. If the liberals proclaimed the right of every race and ethnic group to be who they are, even within their own ethnostates, then they would be more deeply conservative than the Fox TV conservatives---all liberals would have to do is include whites when they feature race, and of course stop being cultural Marxists.

Friday, March 01, 2019

That which must not be named: "whites"

We are barely allowed to say that the left is out to "destroy our past," we are not allowed to say the deeper truth that the left is out to destroy whites, because the left has told us by way of the Big Media, Big Tech, and our culturally Marxist universities that the "white male Euro-Christian construction" must disappear. But what really is happening is minority ethnic groups have overtaken the minds of leftist whites, radical feminists, gender-benders, etc., who are oblivious to the biological origin of our social behavior, and minority ethnic groups have made cuckolds out of all of them.

Then there are the more despicable conscious politicians like Schumer and Pelosi who are counting on the coming minority status of whites and the new majority status of minorities to keep them in power, and for that reason only, and not for moral reasons, they are sucking up to minorities, calling for open borders, unrestricted immigration, etc.

In reaction to the anarchy of the suicidal left and the will to power of ethnic minorities we now have two Americas hating each other. Euro-American's have no choice but to fight back for the survival of Western civilization and the survival of that which must not be named: whites. Trump became President because he tapped into this group.

But I believe we must eventually have a lawful, gradual, conservative transformation of the Constitutional separation of powers and states into ethnostates, in harmony with kin and ethnic centered human nature---not fascism, not empire building, just congenial ethnostates, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, a real home that every ethnic group or at least every gene-pool and the distinctive culture they create need to best survive and flourish.