Saturday, October 06, 2018

Why does the Big Media say virtually nothing about China being national socialist?

Here is the big question regarding China: why does the Big Media say virtually nothing about China being national socialist (yes Nazi) when national socialism is otherwise proclaimed across the West as the rebirth of Satan and his minions? Anyone who is honest can see (and even say?) that China is a national socialist country: China criminalizes miscegenation and criminalizes citizenship for non-Chinese, they enforce sterilizations and eugenic programs which allow only genetically superior embryos planted in mothers, they create but also steal technology and resources from the rest of the world which they believe they are entitled to because they think their county is superior to all other countries, etc etc. (actually patriotism and genetic engineering doesn't sound that bad to me)

So why does the Big Media say virtually nothing about China being national socialist? The answer is that the people who normally shout the loudest about the evils of national socialism have been making big money from their investments in China. They are the globalists who killed manufacturing in America so they could pocket the difference in labor costs when they sell the junk they have made in China back to America. They could care less about America or Americans---they traitorously aid and abet the Chinese competitors and enemies of America for their own benefit. That looks like real evil to me.

I am happy that president Trump has the brass to try to slow them down.

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