Friday, October 26, 2018

Decentralism As Ethnopluralism (from 2014)

Defending decentralism to help preserve ethic conclaves and regions must never be mistaken for Jim Crow “states rights” regionalism, which gravely hurt the decentralist cause. Ethnic groups are simply different, with various talents which were mentally and physically adapted to the different geographical regions that they evolved within. Decentralism is meant to preserve and elevate ethnic cultures, and not to have one group dominate another.

The Ethnopluralism Hypothesis affirms a decentralized America (and other parts of the world too for that matter) with states and regions as ethnic conclaves, which can be accommodated by the originally decentralizing U.S. Constitution. The national experiment to homogenize different ethnic groups into one motley mishmash has not worked, accept for very close cousin ethnic groups the melting pot didn't melt. This is why multiculturalism began to be promoted, which also didn't work, because all groups were expected to live close together and just “get along”, which they have not done, and will not do.

Throughout human history up to the present time human nature has remained kin-centered, gender defined, age-grading, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other traditional things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. Human nature generally prefers its own kind and its own cultures, and that needs to be championed not made into something evil.

But there are numerous non- ethnic reasons to support decentralism, as pointed out by Jeff Taylor in his book “Politics of Human Scale,” reviewed by Gerald Russello in the April “Chronicles.” Federalism means “minimalistic government at every level,” broader than the division between national and state governments. “Having many points of power reduces the malevolent reach of any of them.”  This also is the ideal environment for real evolution with variety to take place.

But the centralizing impulses always rise, even among those who promote individual freedom---they end up using big government power to uniformly enforce individualism, when individualism in fact does not trump the central unit of group selection.

Capitalism can be thought of as “the least bad system” because it conforms to real human nature, that is, not man's “sinful nature,” as many conservatives define human nature, but real human nature in the natural world seeking success in survival and reproduction. Decentralism can allow capitalism to continue raising the standard of living for all, as it has done, but it needs to be free of its centralizing and monopolizing impulses, just as big government needs to be.

In great civilizations culture is virtually synonymous with religion, but both culture and religion are developed by various ethnic groups which give them their own special traits. The religion of the future is a religion that affirms human evolution in the Outward Path toward the Godhood (the Father Within) first only symbolically experienced in the Inward Path of traditional religions. We are all evolving toward Godhood with the variety that evolution has always preferred, and we are certainly capable of cooperative competition in this great adventure and mission.

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