Thursday, October 04, 2018

What was once called paranoid is now called truth

For years the right was judged as being paranoid for saying that the Big Media has a leftist bias; now many American's accept that assessment, especially since President Trump took up that position. I think we can now say that most things that the right were once called paranoid for are now understood as the truth.

What else has the right been called paranoid or worse for? Hollywood. The academic world. Special interest lobbyists in Washington. Globalism. The right has been correct in its assessment of the bias and depravity of those institutions.

The alt right is now being called paranoid for proclaiming what may be future truths, one of which has got to be the biological origin of most of our social behavior, which, given human nature, logically and instinctively suggests ethnostates or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates as the healthiest political configuration; in the U. S. this could even be adapted to the constitutional separation of powers and states.

The villainy of the left is seen in how years ago the Media, Hollywood, ect. began by playing up to popular conservative sentiments, which they didn't believe, and how they have now become swaggering and arrogant in promoting a deep cultural decadence, with a few cloudy sentiments on freedom and equality thrown in to lighten their depravity. Their arrogance and endless lies will doom them, as it always does.

So the battle between the left and right is on, and it seems to me that the right has mostly truth on their side. The left are believers in fantasies, they can be great lairs, and they will stop at absolutely nothing to win the cultural battle.

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