Monday, October 29, 2018

If we were a healthy country we would stop all immigration, legal and illegal, for a good amount of time

It is already suicidal to accept one million legal immigrants into the United States a year, as we now do, so accepting illegal immigration is idiotic. But immigration policies have not been merely suicidal and idiotic they has been engineered by Big Business---due to flat greed, the Democrats---seeking voting power, and the Media---seeking the destruction of traditional America and Euro-Americans and a Marxist culture run by them.

If we were a healthy country we would stop all immigration, legal and illegal, for a good amount of time, and then choose only immigrants who are able to not only homogeneously integrate into the U.S. but bring something useful to the country.

Will we do that? I hate to be pessimistic, but if we don't, or if we can't, we will surely fall as Rome fell. The eventual solution may be to accept reality and legally split into an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

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