Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Is there a cure for the failure to recognize real human nature and the biological origin of social behavior?

Modern liberalism or cultural Marxism, and even some versions of conservatism, are fueled by the failure to recognize real human nature and the biological origin of social behavior, or by purposefully blockading it.

Why the failure? It's seems to be mainly due to the success of the agitation of grievances, the politics of complaint or resentment developed mostly by minorities, who think or instinctively believe that recognizing the biological origin of social behavior will cause them to lose out to majorities if the majorities don't so easily fall for the politics of grievances.

But thinking more long-term, minorities could see that recognizing real human nature and the biological origin of social behavior instinctively and logically would lead to establishing their own ethnostate and a natural ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all ethnic or racial groups. Nothing could be more true and just to kin-centered and ethnocentric human nature.

The only problem might be that the spoils of the politics of complaint or resentment wouldn't be there; but that is a plus rather than a minus.  Minorities (and majorities) would gain the harmony and joy of developing their own culture based on their own genetic and cultural traits---and in the U. S. with the constitutional separation of powers and states they would be federally protected from marauding imperialists.

With an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, legally and non-violently established, we have nothing important to lose but our alienation and cultural disharmony.

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