Monday, November 27, 2017

Overcoming the disorder and chaos of multiculturalism

To paraphrase Alexander Zubatov (Chronicles, Dec. 2017), multicultural messages coming in from all over the numerous media, unconnected to any central reality, create "societal schizophrenia," which brings society to a crisis so it cannot function.

For me this points to the idea that in multicultural societies social order naturally falls apart because distinctly different ethnic groups do not or cannot easily assimilate and therefore compete against one another and even become enemies. This is the reality of real human nature, which remains kin-centered and ethnocentric.

And to complicate multiculturalism even further, it is usually promoted by people who exploit the disorder and chaos to advance their own group.

Is there a way out the disorder and chaos of multiculturalism? Religious, political, or ethnic totalitarianism, fascism, or empire-building have often been the temptation, but these always fall apart for many of the same reasons that multiculturalism falls apart: distinctly different ethnic groups and states do not or cannot easily assimilate, even with force, and the empires fall.

I think the best way out of the increasing disorder and chaos of multiculturalism is to affirm distinctly different non-assimilating ethnic cultures by developing an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. The constitutional separation of powers and states in the U.S. could lend itself to this natural solution. The big question is can this be done consciously and rationally, or will we have to completely fall apart first?

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