Wednesday, November 15, 2017

If we want to prevent the destruction of America we have to fix our historical immigration mistakes

In the past 50 years we have had 50 million immigrants, legally and illegally, and the main problem with immigration has been that the old "melting pot" no longer melts---it was originally workable with mainly European immigrants who could more naturally harmonize and assimilate with the existing Euro-American citizens of America, and the new immigrants were no longer Europeans and would not or could not assimilate.

This is only natural given that real human nature is kin-centered, gender defined, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other traditional traits. Cultures can operate for a time with behavior that goes against real human nature with such unworkable immigration experiments as we have had, but cultures are eventually pulled back by the biological and genetic leash of real human nature to cultures that better reflect real human nature.

So since the melting pot idea no longer melted we changed to the "multicultural" mosaic idea, which has caused not order but separation and bitter stratification and competition between distinctly different ethnic groups---which makes complete sense given the real human nature just mentioned.

Now if we want to prevent the destruction of America we have to fix our historical immigration mistakes. We will need to legally develop an ethnopluralism of ethnostates from out of our constitutional separation of powers and states. It won't be easy of course because even mentioning this common sense solution goes against the prevailing political correctness of cultural Marxism which has both purposely and ignorantly usurped and nearly destroyed American culture.

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