Friday, September 13, 2013

When egalitarianism is considered a duty

“Under the cover of the holiest names is found the most destructive tendencies.” Nietzsche

Egalitarianism is considered a duty, to adapt a line of Nietzsche's, and actual human evolution is considered bad, or even evil. This is the state of modern culture, which alters the value of evolving life and belittles and disfigures everything in its path. Technological advancement is allowed but not human biological advancement. So we have the transhumanists who want to meld humans as cyborgs. This version of evolution is allowed or is only slightly considered politically incorrect.

This is acquired decadence, scholars have not been taught sociobiology and so their students have not, they have been fed politically correct egalitarianism instead. Nietzsche thought of these modern “virtues,” intellect and science, as forms of disease. The best is considered the worst.

This spiritual blockade has put a stop to any talk of human evolution. We are continually reminded of the abuses of WWII, which were in fact terrible, but it is demanded of us that we must permanently have the attitude of “never forgive and never forget” which is simply not a healthy attitude to have. Life is evolving to Godhood and this blockade has got to at last open up. But contrary to later Nietzsche, ordered evolution,  not war, is assigned the higher place.

Godhood is not beyond, is not a Being outside the real world of evolutionary Becoming. This saves religion and includes science. This does not kill religion as Nietzsche tried to do, and this does not make of God an abstract philosophical form or definition.

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