Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tradition stagnates without ordered evolution

The destruction of traditional religious morality can show a will-to-power by those who don't have power. This turns around Nietzsche's idea that Christianity is the will to power of the weak against the strong when it is Christian morality that has the power.

Where tradition has lasted tradition closely followed human nature, with traits such as gender differences, age-grading, marriage-making, hierarchy, ethnocentrism, religion-making, and group-selection. But what keeps human nature and tradition from stagnating?

It is the will-to-Godhood, or the Spirit-Will activating life which harmonizes with ongoing outside evolution and change. This suggests an Ordered Evolution without which tradition may stagnate. Modern philosophers defining religious morality as a vain attempt to create order in a disordered cosmos, have less proof for their position than the orderly evolution we see around us moving from the simple to the complex, from unconsciousness to consciousness.

Theological materialism sees life evolving to Godhood in material and supermaterial evolution, which is an order not yet seen by science or religion, or by Nietzsche with his goalless will-to power in an amoral world.

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