Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hello to materialist-supermaterialist religion and Godhood

Materialism and naturalism exclude God by definition, so say most atheists and scientists, but this is not accurate if Godhood is material-supermaterial and evolved to in the cosmos. So much for the materialist rejection of religion and God, and hello to materialist-supermaterialist religion and Godhood, and hello to theological materialism.

This is actually the way to reconcile religion and science, but it does involve acceptance of the idea of life evolving upward in intelligence, beauty and character all the way to Godhood, beyond the human species. Now is materialism courageous enough to see the implications and sacred possibilities of materialism? Perhaps it's easier just to debunk the non-material religions. And the non-material religions reject a material or even a supermaterial Godhood. Goodbye to that. It is too bad they cannot get together, as they are in theological materialism.

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