Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Objects don't require the validation of language

 "Everything is what it is, and not another thing.” (Bishop Butler, 1726)

In the beginning was the material-supermaterial object that was later described by the word. An important distinction. Absolute truth cannot be described precisely in any language mainly because absolute truth is a supreme living object, not language.

It turns out that God is only language in many esoteric schools, who demand that God is beyond material or even supermaterial objects.

Language is not a curse but our ability to construct meanings, formulas, definitions can get in the way of the truth, which is found in living objects, and not in their definitions. Objects don't require the validation of language---although of course language can be useful, in its place.

Universals, abstractions and even traditions can be hollow and not really exist without the actual material or higher-evolved supermaterial objects that they should be seen as secondarily defining, including Godhood. 

Evolutionary and natural human traditions follow this material-supermaterial, non-abstract, trajectory in their evolution to Godhood. Existing, evolving, objects offer the real resemblance between lower evolved human beings and higher evolved Godhood, not language or an ascetic bliss-experience describing no real object.

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