Monday, September 02, 2013

Bringing purpose and Godhood back to the real world

When philosophers and theologians placed God outside of time and not of the material world, what would you think would eventually happen? Intelligent people rejected God.

Nietzsche's cynical and perhaps snide remark that people would rather have the void as purpose than no purpose at all presumed a purposelessness based at least somewhat on rejecting that outside-of-the-world God, and this was picked up by Nietzsche's postmodern children.

Bringing God back into time, back into the material world, or at least into the supermaterial world, can bring the modern world and all that we have learned back to God or Godhood---even science can return. Do we still need the elaborate games of the religious philosophers creating such things as a hierarchy of Gods so that the top God need not have to be involved with the nasty world---which was indeed nasty, short and brutal in their times? The material world needs saving, not blocking, or murdering.

We evolve materially and supermaterially to Godhood in the cosmos, which means we need the material and supermaterial world, it is the vehicle we use to attain Godhood. The blissful state of reaching the Father Within was achieved by the great religious masters by ridding the body of all apparent material desires, but then this blissful state was confounded with being beyond time and beyond the material world, when it was not. The God Within, the Father Within was/is a symbolic experience of what Godhood is like when we evolve to Godhood.
This is better than having the void as purpose, or having to place God outside of the world, and this is truer than the relativity or nihilism of postmodernism.

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