Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Twofold Path seeks to end the spiritual/material war

Jesus Christ and other great Masters did not come into the world to bring worldly peace, they came to bring the heavenly peace of the Father Within (the “beatific vision” in Christianity). Worldly peace is a secondary result or reaction to ridding the physical body of all material desires. This is often misunderstood in religious social philosophy. The Involutionary Inward Path is not concerned with worldly things for this reason.

This is also why the Inward Path is incomplete without the Evolutionary Outward Path to real Godhood. Without the Outward Path there would be little happening in the material life, little business, little material creativity, less everything.   The more successful a culture is in finding the Inward Path and reaching the God Within, the less successful it will be materially---look at India in this respect, up until their recent materialistic advances.

When the Father Within is understood not literally as God---which is only the symbol of experiencing Godhood---and when Godhood is seen as the zenith of material and supermaterial evolution, then we can affirm both spiritual and material success.

The war between the religious masters and the satanists needs to cease, with both sides totally excluding the other side, with the religious masters calling the material world satanic, and the satanists calling the religious masters anti-life.  These are fear tactics not truth.  The Involutionary and Evolutionary Twofold Path seeks to end the spiritual/material war, which damages both sides and prevents or slows our evolution to Godhood out into the cosmos.

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