Sunday, August 25, 2013

Superiority disguised as equality

I don't think people object to equal opportunity for all, but they do object to what they sense is the disguise of one people seeking superiority over another. It is of course the zenith of political incorrectness to say so but Martin Luther King's speech was in fact a dream, in the sense of a fantasy. People in general do prefer their own kind. This defines the very same human nature today which was developed by evolution many thousands of years ago, nothing has changed, only the dreams of humans have changed. And this does not condone the great evil of slavery.

Admitting real human nature is not something to be depressed about, facing reality can help us find real solutions that can allow us to live together, without open warfare. Culture has gone against basic human nature in trying to make all people the same, and this has not worked, even when it was imposed by force. Cultures ultimately exist on a biologically-derived leash, and human nature always pulls our cultures back to what we actually are, often after causing much pain and suffering.

The best we can hope for is cooperative competition between different states and regions with distinct populations and cultures, with some sort of light federalism to protect the differences. This will be the political movement of the future, if we can survive our dreams and fantasies. The next religious goal is based in the material and supermaterial reality of human evolution to Godhood. But to get there, beyond the human species, we have to admit reality and affirm the desirability of differences, as we seek to improve all of us.

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