Saturday, August 03, 2013

Expansion and manipulation of realism in art

Architect Peter Kellow (American Arts, Spring 2013) defines the Baroque as the manipulation of classical architecture for the sake of theatrical effect. Adapting this idea to Evolutionary Realism I would define ER as the expansion and manipulation of realism in art for the religious sake of affirming the evolution of life to ascending levels of Godhood, which is an affirmation of the sacred.

ER might have been called idealistic realism, which seems to have been what the classical realists were up to in Ancient Greece. Representing things as true to nature defines realism, and idealistic evolution is a realistic central part of evolution in nature. Evolution can be seen as metaphormosis (Kellow's term) in the sense that life is activated from within by the material Will-To-Godhood, or Tirips, which is later shaped by outside natural evolution.

Science accepts no end-goal purpose or teleology behind evolution seeing only blind survival and reproduction. I don't advocate a vitalistic activation within life to support anti-rationalism or to be anti-science, I expect science to affirm this activation from within one day.

Evolutionary realism in art points to purpose behind evolution, it sees Tirips activating material life to evolve to ascending levels of supermaterial Godhood, shaped by outside natural selection and evolution, and ER seeks to represent and affirm this with art in an expansive and creative but still realistic way.  Art, like true human nature, is a group endeavor and realism communicates best with real human nature.  Art for art's sake is as short-sighted as anarchic individualism.

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