Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Conservatives and the instincts

The instincts of human nature are defined by such biologically based traits as gender differences, age-grading, marriage-making, hierarchy, ethnocentrism, religion-making, group-selection, and any culture that tries to bypass or deny these things is fighting a losing battle.

Progressives often do try to block these things with their social schemes, whereas classical conservatives do not. But conservatives need to affirm the evolutionary dynamics behind culture more than they do. Evolution is a sacred element in the instincts, human nature and culture.

I am no Freudian but Freud thought that blocking the instincts was the root of neurosis if the instincts were tamed before reason was developed enough to handle things. And Nietzsche thought human culture became decadent and declined as a result of blocking the human instincts.

Reason cannot really tame the instincts but it can see that a truce must be declared between reason and the instincts, a balancing needs to take place, with reason riding the instincts like a horse and not trying to go it alone. Science is too cold, and religion is too warm, a middle ground is needed.

If we pay attention to the instincts, human nature and evolution then we can reach our full potential, the zenith of which is our evolution to Godhood in the cosmos. We are only in our infancy now and we don't want to be strangled in the cradle.  Life demands instinctively that we never give up on evolving life, which is the ground of the activating Spirit-Will.

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