Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Our Future Evolution

There has been no discernible evolution of brain capacity since Cro Magnon 12,000 years ago, with the easing of fierce selection pressures. In addition to ridding mankind of terrible genetic diseases, we also need positive improvements. What is desirable? Raymond Cattell suggested, continually evolving intelligence, emotional stability, altruism, good health, energy, good sensory organs, and longevity. Even with no institutional over-site, assortative mating, that is, similarity in pairs, for example, brings 20 times as many leaders with high IQ's as random, nonassortative mating.

We have paid attention to the quantity of people on earth but have avoided speaking of the quality of people on earth. The values we create arise from both genes and culture, and the gross fact is, if the values within a group degenerate, then it is between-group selection that will have the final say in who survives and evolves. Many historians have affirmed this.

We need to begin our conscious, positive evolution, which is the true and sacred mission of  life in the cosmos. That is, a voluntary, democratic, non-coercive evolution for all groups. We are evolving outwardly, materially and supermaterially, all the way to Godhood, which was first seen or mirrored inwardly as the God Within or the Father Within of traditional religions, so traditional religions need not block our evolution to Godhood.

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