Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Mysticism

Mysticism is the stage of development before greater precision is reached in defining God. The traditional mystical experience supposedly transcends the subject/object realm, but when the object is hypertrophied by evolution into Godhood then the object is seen as evolved to rather than transcended. This leads to a new materially-grounded mysticism.

The blocking of the material world along with desires by the Gnosticism inherent in all religious mysticism blocks real Godhood which is attained by the very thing Gnosticism rules out, material and supermaterial evolution.

Unlike Gnosticism, theological materialism does not block out the other side or call it evil, the Inward God or Father Within is affirmed and expanded outward to the Godhood evolved to in the cosmos. This means better seeing the previously ineffable object while always evolving to see better.

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