Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Linear and cyclic history

It has been claimed by Traditionalist historians that it was the Hebrews (as Eliade called them) who broke with the cyclical idea of time and the ancient idea of “the eternal return,” by linking God with linear time. “The Hebrews,” he writes, “were the first to discover the significance of history as the epiphany of God.”

This may or may not be how linear time was discovered, but science and modern history more or less affirm the linear idea of time, and I agree with the idea of linear progress in evolution. Progress can even be blocked by the cyclic view of time and history which is always looking back to a better golden time in the past. The Traditionalist School has no time for scientific evolution, which is absurd. There is a cyclic dynamic in the history of culture but it happens within linear biological history, in the form of sociobiologically explained evolution.

Evolution goes back, forth, and sideways at times, but we have evolved from the simple to the complex, and this continues on as we evolve to real Godhood (not merely the Inner God of Tradition) through material and supermaterial evolution, if we don't block it.

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